The Model Prayer
This study guide has a audio sermon for each chapter. The sermon introduces the thoughts which are expanded in the chapters. We recommend that you listen to the sermon, then read the chapter and complete the activity at the end of each chapter, before moving on to the next chapter.
Chapter 1: Show us the Father
Audio PlayerChapter 2: Father of the Heavens
Audio PlayerChapter 3: Your Kingdom Come
Audio PlayerChapter 4: Only our daily bread
Audio PlayerChapter 5: Forgiven and forgiving
Audio PlayerChapter 6: Rescue us from evil
Audio PlayerChapter 7: All about Jesus
Audio PlayerThe Most Amazing Week in History
The final week of Jesus’ life on earth is commonly known as the Holy Week. Evidence of the church observing this week, dates back to the 3rd Century. For centuries Christians have observed the week leading up to Easter as the most important and solemn week of the year. This little booklet is an invitation to set aside time daily for a week to reflect on the suffering, death and resurrection of Christ. Let us recover the solemness and importance of this holy week in our annual calendar.
These are resources in the pipe line. Come back soon for sneak previews or sign up for our monthly newsletter to receive updates of all new resources on the website.

Somewhere in the midst of the chaos of 2000 years of the church’s existence we have reduced the message of the Gospel to the gospel of salvation. We now preach a gospel of being saved from hell and destined for heaven. While it is true that salvation is an integral part of the Gospel, but it is not the whole gospel message. The Gospel is the Gospel of the Kingdom. In this study we will learn:
• What is the Gospel of the Kingdom
• Shaping the Kingdom Life
• Carrying the Kingdom Presence
• Defending the Kingdom Lifestyle
and much more…

In this study, we revisit what the Hebrews author calls the elementary principles of Christ. We will look at topics including:
- Repentance as a lifestyle
- Faith that gives courage and confidence to walk in God’s promises
- Moving from knowing what you believe to living what you believe
- Experiencing the baptisms of water, spirit and fire
- The hands as an extension of God’s work
- Living the ressurection life
- Stewarding our eternal inheritance