Pitch tents. Build altars

Pitch tents. Build altars

Do you know the difference between the temporal and the eternal? Are you investing in the right areas of your life so that you are not caught wanting in the end? This week we look at the critical need to know the difference between what are temporal things in life and...

From shadows to substance

From shadows to substance

Christians and the Bible. How do we make sense of an ancient literature, written in a span of over 1,500 years by nearly 40 authors? Covering a time span from the stone age, bronze age, iron age, into the age of the internet. Life and times have changed so rapidly....

Keeping in rhythm with God

Keeping in rhythm with God

Plato defined rhythm as “an order of movement”. I like that definition. The Bible has revealed God as one who indeed functions in an order of movement. He works in a rhythm. Times and seasons, Feasts and Days of remembrance, laws and traditions - the whole tenor of...

Believing the Unbelievable

Believing the Unbelievable

Steve Pressfield said this: “A child has no trouble believing the unbelievable, nor does the genius or the madman. It’s only you and I, with our big brains and our tiny hearts, who doubt and overthink and hesitate.” Isn’t that so true. A child will believe anything we...

Think Big Start Small

Think Big Start Small

For the past two weeks we have looked at what the impact would be if we believers lived with eternity in our hearts. We talked about looking out for the daily Divine “kairos” moments that would trigger a series of continuous events leading to breakthroughs and...

One foot in front of the other

One foot in front of the other

Last week we looked at the Biblical concept of time. We saw that our concept of time will give us the context weare living in. Our context will determine the choices we make and the actions we take. The tribe of Issachar were “men who had understanding of the times,...

Eternity is a timezone

Eternity is a timezone

Time gives context and context determines action. Time gives context. You look at the time and it tells you which part of the morning, afternoon or evening it is. Once time has given you context, you decide what appropriate action you should take. It’s time to wake...

Fragrance not a stench

Fragrance not a stench

In last week’s blog I looked at the Christian’s sphere of influence – your “magnetic” field. This week I want to build on the metaphor of the magnet and look at a Christian’s active power to influence – your pulling power. One of the phenomenas of magnets are their ability to magnetise other non magnetic material. God magnets are contagious and effective agents of change wherever they are.
As we look at the early church and the apostles, we must ask ourselves a very soul-searching question – do we draw people to Christ or do we repel them away from Him?

God Magnets

God Magnets

The dictionary definition of a magnet is “a material or object that produces a magnetic field. Jesus was a God magnet. He had a vast sphere of influence. He had an incredible ability to draw people to God. He had power to influence and He sustained his influence throughout his life on earth. This week I’m asking myself a few critical questions.
How much of an impact does my relationship with God have on the people around me?
How active and effective am I in drawing people to Christ?
How consistent am I in my relationship with God to stay effective as a change agent?
Am I a God magnet?

Under Construction

Under Construction

The early christians were flawed just like us but they didn’t remain that way. Underlying their faith in Christ was the assurance that God accepted them as they were, but worked in them so they became like Jesus. Our Christian life is a life of constant change. We are never to remain stagnant. We are always being made more and more like Christ. We are always under construction. The environment for divine transformation is Tender Loving Care (TLC). Paul shows us what that environment looks like in practical terms. 1 Thessalonians 5:14 (NLT) Brothers and sisters, we urge you to warn those who are lazy. Encourage those who are timid. Take tender care of those who are weak. Be patient with everyone.

The only way we are going to see true Christian transformation occur in the church is if we all begin to practice true christian love. Some may need a warning. Some may need encouragement, while others may require tended care. But always to all people we are to be patient.