Running on empty?

Running on empty?

Does this sound familiar? It’s been a busy week. You’ve been rushing from one appointment to another. Zooming around trying to catchup with the days and hours that seem to be ten steps ahead of you. You are running late again but if you just stay a few kilometres...

Marriage, magicians and a madman

Marriage, magicians and a madman

Matthew’s target audience were the Jews, who were familiar with the Old Testament Scriptures and were waiting for the Messiah or Christ (kristos in Greek). He makes that clear from the start of his Gospel. Matthew 1:1 (NKJV) The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ,...

Buckle Up!

Buckle Up!

Tough times can become a slippery slope. When life throws a curve ball at us there is a tendency to turn cynical. We begin to distrust even the things we have taken for granted and relied on all our lives. Institutions that have served us well in the past, have now...

Fact Faith Feeling

Fact Faith Feeling

In his book “The secret of Guidance”, late nineteenth century pastor and author F B Meyer wrote about the importance of reordering our worldview around what he termed as fact, faith and feeling. “We repeat here our constant mistake about the things of God. We try to...

Face to face

Face to face

Exodus 33:11 (NKJV) So the Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend. I was 13 years old when I first read this verse. A few weeks prior to this I was in prayer with my family, and the Holy Spirit turned up. I was filled with such an overwhelming...

2023 the year of the supernatural

2023 the year of the supernatural

So the Christmas season is finally over. Nearly a month has passed and the festive ornaments are all packed up and put away. Even the Christmas story is tucked away at the back of our minds and we will wait another eleven months before preachers dust off their old...

Second hand faith

Second hand faith

I come from 3 generations of godly heritage. My grandfather was a Methodist minister, church planter and educator. I was raised by my aunt who was an Anglican minister and returned home to my mother at the age of twelve and we attended a Methodist church in my small...

Urgent Vacancy: Leaders who understand the times

Urgent Vacancy: Leaders who understand the times

Can you remember reading or hearing about the men of Issachar? It is always a popular topic when we are at crossroads or season changes as a church or even as a nation. I thought I’d revisit that passage again as we begin life in what people are referring to as a post...

Don’t be a bottom feeder

Don’t be a bottom feeder

Among aquatic animals, there exists a group of creatures called bottom feeders. These are marine creatures that live all their lives on the seabed and feed by scavenging on the bottom of the sea. In the text above, the apostle Paul is exhorting the church to stop...

Power and Authority

Power and Authority

In the midst of the global chaos and confusion brought about by Covid have we as Christians become so preoccupied by the happenings around us? Have we been caught up with all this to the point we have neglected our role as followers of Christ? Have our thoughts, our...